Laboratorio di sperimentazione innovativa ed analisi dei dati multi-parametro per la sicurezza e l’integrità dei materiali fragili.
MONFRON is the acronym of “Monitoraggio Fronte di cava” which translates as “Front of Quarry Monitoring system”. This is a large project, which was presented to the Tuscany Region in 2017. The project was funded in January 2018 and sees Lunitek as the lead company, together Actors of the Project:
Santucci Group, the quarry owner
ApiAn the rock climbing organization
Lunitek srl the high-tech Company Proposer (Lead Company)
Politecnico di Torino Research Unit (Prof. Amedeo Manuello) Scientific Referent
EptaConsult SCRL (Geol. Marco Zanicchi Technical Referent)
The project idea is to prevent the sudden and unexpected rockslide falling on quarry workers. Prevention cannot be carried out using traditional instruments for geophysicist (accelerometers, velocimeters, GNSS or laser scanners) because, by the time these types of systems trigger an alert, in most cases, it is already too late, and the rockslide cannot be stopped.
The Monfron site LAB is the base camp for the experimentats and the data anlysis performed on the site
the analysis include:
Acoustic Emission monitoring
atmosferic sensors
The on site analysis were correlated with the compression tests of specimens extracted directly by the quarry and tested in the Polito Lab.